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ClergySpiritual Health


By October 14, 2015No Comments

David Runk of CSS PUB has made available a free download of my lectionary devotional for Year C during pastor’s appreciation month in October. I think you can use this link, Download Free copy of Water From the Rock to access this gift. If there is a problem, you can contact him at David Runk, CSS Publishing Company [].

I wanted to explain briefly about the book.

This book is offered in support of your ministry by encouraging
you to take time for regular prayer and devotions so that God
might continually touch your life and speak to you through scripture.
Paul makes an interesting connection to this story of the rock
in 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 where he identifies the rock with Christ.
Having suggested that Christ transcends the historical moment in
which Jesus lived on earth, Paul then speaks to the presence of the
living Christ in our experiences. It is not uncommon for pastors to
feel overwhelmed by the demands of their profession and feel
drained of all spiritual energy.


Paul’s words seem appropriate to such an occasion. “So if you think you are standing, watch out that you do not fall. No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond
your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out
so that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:12-13). My
prayer is that these reflections might be used by God to refresh you
with living water from the rock of Christ.

Like the previous volumes, the structure of the book builds on
two features of our professional life — the structure of worship
and the provision of the Revised Common Lectionary. The basic
structure of most experiences of worship include the offering of
praise, confession of sins, being nurtured by the word, offering
prayers of thanksgiving and intercession, and experiencing the
benediction or the blessing of God. The Revised Common
Lectionary offers four readings normally drawn from the Hebrew
scriptures, the psalms, the gospels, and the epistles.

At the beginning of the book, you are offered five formats for
your time of prayer. The first one focuses on the praise of God. The
second focuses on the confession of sins and assurance of forgiveness.
The third is directed toward a time of thanksgiving. The fourth
offers you the opportunity for offering prayers of intercession. Finally
there is a time to receive the blessing of God or the benediction.
Following these formats for devotions, there is a series of
brief meditations on each of the scriptures proposed by the
lectionary for the following Sunday.

The intention is that you find at least five times during the
week to take time for prayer and meditation for half an hour or
more. You would begin the week with a time of praise. Next you
would have an opportunity to confess those burdens that are bothering
you and experience the grace of a forgiving God. The third
day would allow you to spend some time offering your thanksgiving
for all that God provides you. On the fourth day you would
have an opportunity to focus on the needs of your congregation or
the society around you. On the fifth day, you can rest in the blessing
of God who has called you to ministry. During this time, you
will also be nurtured each day by the scriptures that form the basis
of your worship on the following Sunday.

I recognize that some may find it more helpful to alter the calendar and use the lectionary readings that will provide the basis of the worship several weeks in
advance so that your meditation might also stimulate your thinking
with respect to the sermon that you will need to prepare. You
may find it helpful to have a pad of paper to capture the thoughts
that occur to you.

I hope you will take advantage of this generous offer from CSS Pub and be nourished in your ministry

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