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Supporting Other Clergy in Your Retirement

By October 8, 2010No Comments

One of the areas in which I have found satisfaction in retirement is that of consciously reaching out in supportive ways to other clergy who are still engaged in ministry. Let me suggest a few ways that you might also consider.

1. I intentionally worship in different congregations of clergy that I have known in my pre-retirement work. They seem to appreciate knowing that I have chosen to be with them in worship.

2. I have invited a number of clergy out to lunch and simply listened to them share what is happening for them in ministry. You may be surprised at how positive they are to having someone who understands ministry and is not in “competition” with them, being willing to listen. I have been impressed at the creativity and variety of ministry that many are quietly exercising.

3. By invitation, I have found satisfaction is being a mentor to some young clergy in the area. If you have a divinity school nearby, they are often eager to find some experienced mentors.

4. I have not personally taken the “intentional interim” training but many have found satisfaction in that area.

5. I have supported several clergy in having sabbaticals by offering to give their church steady leadership at an affordable price during their pastor’s sabbatical.

6. I have also found satisfaction in being an advocate in presbytery meetings and at other places for the care of clergy.

7. Of course you can be available in an emergency to fill in for a sick clergy.

I’m sure you can think of other areas. Many do not have to occupy great amounts of time but they do express your care and compassion for the work of clergy. Who understands it better than one who has been through it?

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