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By November 7, 2014No Comments

Top Ten Reasons

Not to Go to Church

10. Once when I was sick the church didn’t visit me, so I’m not going to visit them.

9. The church is always talking about issues of life and death. I’ve got more important things to do.

8. The church is always talking about money. I may give 20% to the waitress but I don’t understand why I should give 10% to God.

7. I’m busy 24/7 with important things, why should I waste precious time praising God.

6. Like I said to my neighbor, I heard the church is full of gossips and from what I’ve heard some church members don’t have such great reputations either.

5. The music is too loud, or too soft, I don’t remember which but they never play the one note that I can sing.

4. The church is full of hypocrites, why should I spend time with people like me.

3. I can’t stand their holier than thou attitude. I’m just too good a person for that.

2. I can pray to God just as easily on the golf course. In fact I often use God’s name out there.

1. The church is always involved in controversial issues. Don’t they know that type of activity got Jesus killed.


You have heard it all before.

Now laugh a little as you hear it again.


Share them with your clergy friends and see if together you can come up with ten more excuses. As Judy Carter would say — “Don’t get bitter–Get funny.” It reduces the sting and allows you to be on top of the problem.

Let me hear of some of the new ones you come up with. I’d like to add them to my collection.

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