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Ten Ways to Discern God’s Call Within or Outside of the Church

By July 27, 2011No Comments

Whether it is a call to a new church, a different type of ministry, or to a vocation beyond the church structures, it is a difficult decision to make. Drawing on the practice of making lists of ten, I have tried to make ten statements that I think can be of value in making that decision. You might want to make your own list of ten first and then compare them to my list of ten. Don’t try to make them in priority order but simply as they come to you. Later you can decide if there is any value in prioritizing them. I am going to reflect on this as a sense of call and i think that can be true even if you are struggling with whether you are called to enter a whole new vocation.

1. Will my gifts be used in this new call?
2. Will I be challenged to grow in this new position?
3. Does the vision of the group I will be working for compliment my own vision of the life I want to lead?
4. In working in this position, do I feel I can be faithful to God?
5. If the position works out, can I see myself staying there and finding satisfaction in what i will be doing?
6. If this became a difficult experience, could I still sense God’s presence in what I would be doing?
7. What are two or three faith beliefs that can keep me centered in this new call?
8. What are two or three things that excite me about this new call?
9. What are two or three areas of hesitancy and how does my faith help me to address them?
10. Can I convince two or three trusted friends that this is the right call for me at this time in my life?

Again, your list may be different. If you are sensing a direction outside of the church structures, it is important to find a way to resolve any sense of guilt and find an understanding of how this may now be God’s call in your faith journey.

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