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ClergyDenominational Staff

The Clergy/Session Team

By June 29, 2012No Comments

On October 2, 2012 at 2 p.m. EST and repeat at 8 pm EST, I will be leading a webinar on how sessions can team with their clergy for healthy ministry. I would encourage pastors to alert their sessions to plan to watch this seminar together.

Co-sponsored by The Presbyterian Outlook and
The Presbyterian Pastoral Care Network

What you will learn in this Webinar:
• A deeper appreciation for the nature of stress on Clergy in their personal and professional lives.
• Understanding of why it is difficult for clergy to attend to their own health.
• How to access a practical resource for sessions in how to support their clergy.
• Appreciation for a team concept of the Session and Pastor’s relationship.
• Introduction to a practical support plan between the pastor(s) and the session in effecting the church’s ministry.
• How to nurture long-term, healthy pastoral leadership.

Presenter: Stephen McCutchan
After 38 years in the pastoral ministry, Steve has devoted himself in retirement to seeking ways and resources to support clergy and nurture their health in ministry. In addition to 3 lectionary devotionals for pastors ( ) , Steve has produced 2 CDs, A Deep Well for the Pastor, (available from Presbyterian Distribution Service, 800-524-2612) and Laughter From the Well ( as resources in support of clergy. He is also the editor of the ToolBox, a resource on pastoral care available on the PPCN website, and edits their bi-monthly newsletter.

Who should attend this Webinar?
• Sessions
• Clerks of Session
• Church Personnel Committee
• Pastors who want to connect with their sessions as a ministry team
• Committee on Ministry who seek to build healthier pastor/Congregational relationships.
• Presbytery Staff who are seeking ideas to improve the health of their congregations

This 90 minute seminar is brought to you by the Presbyterian Pastoral Care Network and the Presbyterian Outlook.

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