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Church in an Evolving World

The Stranger Within the Gate

By November 18, 2008No Comments

God’s compassion for the “stranger within their gates” found expression in Highland’s concern to minister to the numerous college and graduate students who came to Winston-Salem. Since 1956 the minutes of the church reflect various efforts to provide ministry to these students who come from all across the country to be educated in Winston-Salem.

In 1958 they made a three-year commitment of $1800 a year to support a Campus Christian Life Campaign. In 1961 they offered support for an interdenominational Christian study fellowship for medical students and nurses at Bowman Gray Hospital. Then in 1989 they overtured Presbytery to survey the number of students in universities, colleges and medical schools and to propose ways to minister to them. This led to the calling of Presbyterian chaplains to serve Wake Forest University, Salem College, Winston-Salem State University and the North Carolina School of the Arts.

What moved this church to even consider these possibilities?

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