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The Value of laughter

By April 15, 2010No Comments

there is an interesting article on the Evangelical Lutheran Board of Pensions Website on the value of laughter. I highly recommend it.

While you are deep in serious thinking, consider the following.
A World Without Sin
Where would religion be without sin? Can you imagine the effect on the churches of our community if sin suddenly disappeared? Can’t you just see the fire-sales going on around the city? “Going out of business. Not enough sin. All items on sale. Prayer are half-price. Incense and candles at 70% off. Unemployed preachers free if you will carry them off. Self-righteous pronouncements bundled upon request. Great buildings for rent with excellent wine cellars.

Have a joyful day and take time to laugh a little. If you can’t find something that tickles your funny bone, then fake it and just go and laugh. Studies show that even that makes a difference.

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