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BooksClergyCompany of Pastors

Transcendence and Gossip

By January 31, 2020No Comments

In the novel, A Star and a Tear, , Frank comments on the quagmire of what he calls “the strange symbiotic relationship between sexuality and spirituality. He relates this to a human yearning for transcendence.

Explore this issue with a colleague by using some of these thoughts.


In Chapter 5, after a particularly difficult experience in his first pastorate, Frank decides to focus his thoughts during a sabbatical on what he terms “the strange, symbiotic relationship between sexuality and spirituality.”

In what way do people use both sexuality and spirituality in a search for transcendence?

In Chapter 20, page 245 Frank comments, ‘Both powerful faith experiences and sexual release are acts grasping for ecstasy and transcendence. It’s not exclusive to the pastorate, but our profession makes us vulnerable.”

What type of discussion would be helpful to pastors in understanding this phenomenon more deeply?

Should lay people be brought into this conversation as well?

At another point in the novel, the whole issue of the destructive power of gossip in the church is raised.


In Chapter 9, page 109, the radio broadcaster makes use of some gossip he has heard about Frank to attack his integrity. When Oscar is processing the experience with Frank, he comments on the power of gossip in the church. “Gossip is like mercury,” said Oscar. “It’s bright and attractive to the eye, but every time you try to gather it up, it slips away and finds a new location in which to shine.”

As you are aware, Paul in Romans 1:29 equates gossip with such behavior as “envy, murder, strife, deceit, craftiness, . . . ” etc

How seriously do you think members of your congregation view the sin of gossip? If they took seriously Paul’s assertion that suggests that it is similar to the sin of murder and can bar you from the Kingdom of heaven, how do you think that would affect behavior among Christian believers?

How do you think it might affect the behavior of other clergy or even your own behavior?

What are strategies to counter the power of gossip in your congregation?

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