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Visiting Neighbors in the Neighborhood

By March 5, 2009No Comments

We live in a very busy world and most people are so intent on their various destinations that they don’t stop to be neighborly with those in the neighborhood.

Think about the neighborhood in which your church resides. How many of the people, offices, and sidewalk trafficers do you know? How many of them are aware of your church and what is their impression of it.

Start with people who you regularly see in the streets and businesses in the church’s neighborhood. What if once every week or so, you stopped by on of those places and introduced yourself. You might even begin by saying, “I’ve been a pastor in this church for ? years and I realized that I never have taken the time to just introduce myself.”

The next statement might be something like this: “I’m really curious as to the image this church has in the neighborhood. What is your impression?”

If the conversation goes well, you might want to add, “In your opinion, are there simple ways that we might be better neighbors?”

I suspect over a few visits, you might learn some things that will be useful and at the same time you will be strengthening your church’s image in your community. In the best sense of the word, you will be demonstrating love of neighbor.

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