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Vocational Pulse (2)

By October 13, 2010No Comments

You have now arrived at the church, found the library, and set up your work space. You probably should have both your lap top, hopefully with internet connections, and several legal pads and some pens. You should also have a good Bible and perhaps a favorite devotional. Once you are set up, leave the space and go to either the sanctuary or chapel for from one-half to an hour of prayer. (When was the last time you gave yourself that luxury?)

Regardless of your normal prayer practice, this is a time to shed the normal pressures and demands of your life and simply rest in the presence of God. A good devotional may be helpful. One that I have found useful is “A Guide to prayer for ministers and other servants” published by the Upper Room. Another possibility is to leaf through the psalms noting phrases that praise God. Pick out two or three that stick out for you and simply reflect on the aspects of God captured in these phrases. If this is the God that we worship, what does that say about the presence of God in your life. Even if your particular theological stance distances you from this type of reflection, I would encourage you to engage in it anyway for this period of time. A third possibility, if you are familiar with this process, would be to engage in centering prayer for this time. Regardless of your choice, this is an opportunity to reconnect with the source of your original call.

We will continue tomorrow.

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