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Vocational Pulse (4)

By October 15, 2010No Comments

Following lunch, immediately jot down any reflections that have occurred to you over this break.

Next, even if you have no intention of considering a move, if you have access to the internet, take some time to just peruse the church and/or ministerial openings that are available in your denomination. If you are not accustomed to doing this, it may take some search time but it will be valuable practice. If you don’t have the internet, you could also make use of some denominational magazines that often list some openings. Moving may be the furthermost thing from your mind at this time, but seeing what is available has the value of becoming a backdrop for reflecting on your own position.

Now, take some time to list, in no particular order, some of the biggest challenges of your present position. When that seems complete, although you can continue to add to it later, pause and meditate on those challenges. If God has called you to this place and is present with you in ministry, what might God be saying to you about how you face some of these challenges. Don’t try to be exhaustive, but simply note some thoughts that come to you.

After a short break, maybe with a brief walk, begin to reflect back on your time at this position and make note of some of the most satisfying moments in your ministry at this position. As you do this, you may also see how you can increase the opportunity for more such satisfying moments. If so, make note of them.

Save a full hour near the end of your time for a look at your future. Noting the clues from the turning points in your past and the nature of the experiences that give you a sense of satisfaction, either on paper or on your computer, write about the next five years of your life. What would you like to see happen in that time. What would you like to see begin even if it weren’t possible to complete in this time. What steps do you need to begin to take to bring these possibilities about.

Having completed these thoughts, take at least 15 minutes or more in the chapel offering these thoughts and possibilities up to God in prayer.

Now, go home, take your spouse out to supper (or if not married, take a good friend), and celebrate the journey that you are on.

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