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ClergyGod's Call


By July 15, 2016No Comments



When you consider the twelve disciples, you have to wonder what criteria Jesus was using when he chose his disciples. One of these twelve was Judas, but even the others possessed qualities that might have caused a search committee to wonder. What was Jesus thinking?

Just to refresh your minds, I want to offer you an exercise on the twelve disciples. See if you can match up the following characteristics with the proper Scriptural reference. The passages of Scripture listed are not in the right boxes. Move them around to match the statements.


Group of laymen; no reference to any of them being schooled in religion and many came from trades that required little formal education.


Luke 6:15
James and John had trouble holding their tempers.


Matthew 26:8
Peter had a tendency to use coarse language. (See RSV translation)


Mark 1:16-20


Disciples often tried to second-guess the wisdom of Jesus’ actions.


John 20:24-25
Peter debated whether Jesus was right in his understanding of the messiahship.


Mark 8:32
Thomas was a doubter.


Matthew 8:23-27
They all ran away at a critical moment.


Mark 3:17
Tax collectors like Levi were felt to be disloyal to their country and often dishonest as well.


Matthew 14:25-31
James and John sought positions of favor.


Mark 14:71
The disciples quarreled among themselves.


Mark 2:13-17
Jesus spoke of them lacking faith.


Mark 9:33-37
At least one of them belonged to the Zealots, an extreme political activist party.


Matthew 16:5-10
Peter’s faith often failed him at crucial moments.


Mark 10:35-37
The disciples’ concern for themselves often overcame their being able to understand the implications of their own experiences with Jesus.


Mark 14:50
One disciple may have been stealing from their treasury.


Luke 22:3-6
Judas betrayed Jesus for money


John 12:6


This is not meant to suggest that you should not consider the qualities and characteristics of   spiritual leaders, but it might be an invitation recognize that God can speak through the imperfect to accomplish God’s purpose. Listening deeply may help us discern God’s call in our lives as well as that of others.

If you were to list seven qualities that you would look for in a spiritual leader for a church, what would they be? I choose seven because it will force you to dig beneath the surface and listen more deeply. Make your list and compare it with other people’s lists.

Now, consider how you measure up to your own list. If you fall short in some areas, recall the disciples and reflect on how God can work through you if you trust that God’s power can be made perfect even in weaknesses. However, God can also draw upon your gifts and strength for the sake of others as well.


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