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ClergyLiturgySpiritual Health

Wednesday After Second Sunday in Lent

By March 4, 2015No Comments

Wednesday After 2nd Sunday in Lent

As you enter the sanctuary this Wednesday, seat yourself on the floor of the sanctuary as near to the cross as feasible.

PSALM 22:23-31

In Psalm 22: 23-31, offered by the lectionary, are the concluding verses of Psalm 22. Most people are familiar with the opening verses, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me . . .,” but overlook the fact that the conclusion of the psalm gives voice to praise for all God has and will do.


Look at the cross in your sanctuary and reflect on the several ways ministry can evoke praise of God. Allow these concluding verses to stimulate your reflections. Consider how your responding to God’s call in your personal life can reflect the praise of God.


Ministry by its very nature is stressful. Not only h what you accomplish in your ministry but how you respond to the stresses , become part of your witness for future generations. What do you want future generations to know about God as a result of your ministry?

It is worthy of your prayerful reflection.

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