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ClergyLiturgySpiritual Health

Wednesday After the Fourth Sunday in Lent

By March 18, 2015No Comments


This time begin your experience by slowly walking around the sanctuary several times stopping to reflect on different people who usually occupy different seats in the sanctuary. These are the people, good and bad, faithful and unfaithful, that God has gathered in to receive your ministry. If this is not the sanctuary in which you regularly conduct worship, simply recall the general location in the sanctuary to recall people God has placed in your path.


Be honest in your prayers. Dare to share with God your diverse opinions and feelings about the people who come to mind. As they come to mind, offer a prayer for them and then move to another pew that evokes an image and offer more prayer. Sometimes your prayer will be a prayer of thanksgiving and sometimes of frustration or even despair. Take your time on this journey and picture the different people God has called before you.


Finally go to the steps of the chancel and observe the whole congregation in your mind. Imagine them all listening intently for God’s word.

Read Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 aloud to them. Recall the wounds of which you are aware and the privilege you have of being called to be God’s instrument of redemption for them.

If there are some who are particularly difficult people for you in your ministry, create an image in your mind of what it might mean for them to repent and believe the Good News. Recall them as you read Psalm 107: 17-22 and release them into God’s hands.

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