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By July 1, 20222 Comments


Pilate’s question in John 18:38 is now more haunting than ever.  Merriam Webster definition:  Truth is the real facts about something. But we find ourselves disputing what are “real facts” in almost every area of discussion. The Bible teaches: Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of God. When questioned by Pilate about truth, Jesus responded, “for this, I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.”

I would suggest that one of the more difficult challenges of the church in our times is helping people determine their answer to Pilate’s question. Note in the story about Pilate, he decided to create his own solution to his question. Then note what happened. The community of the faithful refused the opportunity to pursue the truth.

First exercise:

I’ll write more about this in the future, but in the meantime try writing for less than one-half hour about what truth means for you. Also, consider how you might guide your church members in building a foundation for truth in our society. It begins by affirming what the truth means to you from the perspective of our faith.

Include the membership

Then, share that with your members and invite them to engage in the same exercise. We are spiritual leaders, so let’s begin with exploring our faith and drawing TRUTH from that faith.

Now invite your members to join in re-establishing a commitment to truth. Let us not avoid the engagement and like the crowd before Pilate, participate in the crucifixion of the truth.  God deserves better than that.


  1. CONCERNING GOD’S INTENTION FOR LIFE. The universe is more than a mechanical heartless, series of chance events. Life has meaning, and history has a purpose. It is greater than we can imagine, but God will complete God’s intentions.
  2. God’s purpose is discovered in community. Human community brings out the best and the worst in us, but the truth is discovered in relationships. Therefore, the church is critical in our spiritual journey even when it is imperfect.
  3. The key to life is in giving. God gave us a) a world that sustains all life, b) our particular life, c) our talents, and d) our wealth. God gave us Jesus who gave us his life. The more we give of ourselves, our wealth, and our talents to others in relationships, the closer we reflect God’s image in ourselves. The closer we reflect God, the more we are true to our true nature.
  4. Love is the key to living. Love considers the other before the self. Without love, giving builds self up. Without love, the community is destroyed. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.



  • Norman Hatter says:

    And “truthiness”?

  • Sibyl+Hull says:

    Steve, I just read Tony’s email and then your blog. Both smacked me in the face. I’ve had little to no success speaking truth, at least truth as I see it reflected in the life and teachings of Jesus, to family and friends whose truth is so different from mine. I am woebegone. Is it cowardly to avoid the subject entirely with those people? Especially when my truth leads to argument and alienation? Sigh…

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