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WHAT IS TRUTH (part 2)

By July 6, 2022One Comment

WHAT IS TRUTH (part 2)

As mentioned in the previous blog, Pilate asks in John 18:38, “What is Truth?” and Jesus responds, “For this, I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.”  So, the question I raise for you is how does the Body of Christ testify to the TRUTH in our currently confused world.

After each thesis, I encourage you to write ONE SENTENCE of what it would mean for your life if you experienced that truth.  You can do more later, but for now, just write the one sentence of personal affirmation and then move on to the next thesis.


  1. In a culture that is blind to hope that it can’t see or measure, each Sunday the church reminds us we are not God by proclaiming the truth of God which offers us hope beyond sound and sight.  In a world prone to despair because its gods are too small, the church offers us salvation from despair.


  • In a culture that is growing Biblically illiterate, the church saves us from losing access to the source of God’s revelation to us.  Where else do we hear the Scriptures on a continuing basis?


  • In a culture that is in danger of compassion fatigue, the church shows us that our acts of compassion can be a form of praise.  When our compassion is received as praise of God, we are saved from always depending on the success of our efforts to sustain us.


  • In a culture that trumpets the survival of the fittest, the church offers a healing commuthatwhich allows God’s strength to be made perfect in our freely acknowledged weakness.  We are saved from the need to be perfect.


  • In a culture that places incredible stress and pressure on people’s lives, the church offers us a regular Sabbath where we can step off the treadmill and refocus on the meaning of life through regular worship, prayer, and study of God’s word in the community.


  • In a culture that is increasingly fractured by the tribalism of ethnic, sexual, and age divisions, the church offers the witness of Christ who breaks down the barriers that divide us and offers hospitality to all strangers who desire to experience the healing love of God.


  • In a culture that threatens to abandon its children to poor education, poor health, and unstable families, the church offers a source of strength for family bonds and the news that all children are loved and valued.


  1. In a culture that treats the elderly as worn out pieces to society’s all-important machine, the church proclaims that each person contains gifts from God which are essential to the upbuilding of the community of faith.  With God it’s not over ’til it’s over.


  1. In a culture that daily discovers the complexity of moral decision-making, the church offers a community in which people might explore all the issues which trouble them in the light of the gospel of grace and forgiveness.


Now reflect on your sentences and what it means in your search for TRUTH.

One Comment

  • Sibyl+Hull says:

    1. I would be reminded through worship and Christian Ed that hope lies in trusting God’s promises rather than focusing on societal disfunction.
    2. PCPC’s challenge to read through the Bible in 2022 is backed up by well-researched teaching and sermons.
    3. Viewing compassion as praise encourages me to be more generous in my giving of time, talent and treasure.
    4. Being “real” with other will help us believe that church is a hospital for wounded people and not a museum of perfect specimens. God seeks willing hearts depending on God’s perfection not our striving.
    5. We could experience church as a place to get a “fill up” and relax into God’s Grace instead of a place where we feel judged and compared to others.
    6. Including and valuing diversity of gifts, styles, ethnicities, levels of health/handicaps, ages, etc. demonstrates that we understand that God is no respecter of persons.
    7. Prioritizing quality staff, materials, time and activities that are age/stage appropriate and emphasizing the value of children in God’s Kingdom can solve disfunction now and prevent future disfunction in generations to come.
    8. Older folks offer a wealth of resources to share as mentors, teachers, liturgists, etc. Valuing and utilizing their gifts would encourage them and offer wisdom to younger folks.
    9. Really getting to know each other would help us stop judging and comparing our fellow members and focus on ways to support one another in life’s complex moral climate.

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