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The Story/My/Our Story

Richard Rohr recently introduced me to the Cosmic Egg. It consists of my story (my personal identity), our story (The groups and communities that I identify with) , and The Story (the larger story of existence that shapes our reality.) In our faith that is expressed in the Great Commandment that we love God, neighbor, and self.

Our stories and our understanding of them are continually evolving, but there is value in pausing every once in awhile to reflect on these three levels of story. Consider this as a brief spiritual exercise. Take each level of story and try to identify three statements that describe where you are at this moment in your life.

My Story

Three characteristics that I hope people read in my story are these:

  1. I try to live with personal integrity. It doesn’t always happen. I make compromises, often for all the wrong reasons, but my desire is to always live with integrity.
  2. I want my life to reflect compassion for those who hurt most in this world. Like most people, I often curb my acts of compassion for various reasons, but I want to be compassionate in my relationships.
  3. Faith shapes my life. At 80, I don’t have many years left, but I want to live them in a way that deepens my faith and live my life in a way that reflects God’s gift in my life.

Our Story

I believe that we are meant for relationships. We shape our identify through who and how we relate to others. The communities we choose and how we relate to and with them provide us with identify. Some choose a nation, some a gang, some a family, some a cause, but they all shape us. At this stage in my life, the following three communities shape me:

  1. My Christian faith community, ever evolving but central to shaping me.
  2. My family and friend collection. They both support me and stimulate me in experiencing joy in my life.
  3. I am a White person. Our history of bigotry and violence awakens me to a lot of shame and guilt, but not despair or hopelessness. I believe if we acknowledge the story of our past, good and bad, we can help write a better story for our future.

The Story

I don’t believe that creation is aimless and without purpose.

  1. I believe there is a God who is active in existence.
  2. I believe I can connect with that God and the story God is telling.
  3. I believe that my life has meaning, and God enables me to experience a grace that frees me to live a life that honors the big story and contribute to it.


That is my first attempt to identify the story that shapes me. Now, you try it. Take the three levels of story and write at least three statements unveiling your understanding of how it is being told about you. Each of us can be frozen at any level and distort our reality. But when we recognize where we are, we gain the liberty to choose and give meaning for our lives.

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