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Church in an Evolving World

When You Can’t Fix It

By July 31, 2008No Comments

In the Body of Christ there will be members who will be confronted with problems in their lives for which there is no apparent solution. They come to the Body for a word of hope and comfort. What do you say to people when you have no answer for them? What do you offer people when you cannot fix their problem?

The Gospels tell of the woman who had been hemorrhaging for twelve years and could find no earthly relief. She determined to reach out and touch the hem of Jesus’ garment believing that in doing so she would be made well. The result of her faith was her being healed. (Mark 5:24-34) The task of the church is to enable people to reach out and touch Christ. If we believe that we are the Body of Christ, then we believe that Christ is present to us in worship. We do not have to understand how this takes place in order to believe that something vital and healing can take place for the persons who allows themselves to be addressed by Christ in his Body.

Tomorrow I will try to share how that might look in a church.

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