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Wimp Factor (3)

By May 9, 2012No Comments

Having filled out the estimation of time worked and discussed it, I want to now raise another factor that, in some ways, exacerbates the wear and tear of the active practice of ministry. This is what I would call the emotional roller-coaster nature of ministry. We all recognize that being engaged in a highly emotional situation, whether it is good or bad, can take its toll on our energy levels. In recent times, we have also seen an increased study of what is often called the Post Traumatic Stress syndrome as a result of highly traumatic experiences and also the study of Compassion Fatigue as a result of being drained of our resiliency because of continually seeking to respond to the needs of others. The better and more compassionate a pastor is, the more s/he is subject to those conditions. Add to that the need to also engage in an almost incessant series of routine activities that are demanding of time and energy but not very stimulating with respect to results, and you have some sense of the emotional roller-coaster nature of ministry.

Again, first working as individual elders and then sharing as a session, try to imagine the variety of activities that your pastor might engage in over a three-month time period. On a scale of 1 to 10, using both positive and negative numbers to represent both positive and negative emotions, try to picture the emotional ride of being a pastor for this time period. Not every week has a baptism, a tragic accident, a marital counseling session, a negative or positive response to a sermon, teaching the confirmation class, trying to manage a budget deficit, etc., but try to build in some typical possibilities that might occur over a three-month’s time.

The purpose is not to create a pity party for the pastor. The purpose is to recognize the challenge, which includes the emotional stress inherent in ministry, and then, as I will talk about in future blogs, begin to develop a team approach to ministry that keeps all of us healthy.

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