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Wimp Factor (5)

By May 11, 2012No Comments

At least once a year, the session should spend some time hearing the cumulative report of the elder/pastor meetings. In addition the the general information, the session and pastor should be looking for patterns. Are their typical activities that bring satisfaction in ministry. Is there a pattern to the frustrations that can be addressed. And the thoughts about changes that address the future challenges for the congregation need to be discussed. The value of not discussing them each month, is that sometimes after further reflection, the idea either needs to be developed further or with time doesn’t seem to be as valuable. However, it is important that the approach to such a discussion be that of exploration and not simply a like and dislike.

A beneficial pattern for such discussion would be this. First, the idea is presented freshly by the pastor. Then when an elder wishes to respond, s/he first needs to say two things that s/he finds positive about the idea and then any concerns that might need to be addressed as they move forward. Remember, these are ideas and not fully developed ideas. Also, remember that behind the idea is an area of concern for the congregation.

By engaging in this type of cumulative discussion, the session will keep attuned to their pastor’s thinking as it evolves. The pastor, because s/he knows such monthly conversations and later reflection will take place, knows that s/he has a continual conversation with his or her team, the session, and therefore is not alone in carrying the burden of ministry. Over time, the session is seeking to hear the voice of God seeking to speak to them about the ministry of the congregation.

While this does not ameliorate the various stresses of ministry, it does provide a forum where the ministry doesn’t feel so lonely.

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