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ClergySpiritual HealthTheological reflections

Your Eschatolgoical View

By December 8, 2011No Comments

Yesterday we spoke of eschatology or viewing things from the perspective of how it will all end. I used the sporting analogy of Monday morning quarterbacking. It’s not the best analogy because Monday morning quarterbacking is filled with “should ofs” but you can’t go back and replay the game. Eschatology suggests that God will finally accomplish the divine purpose, and in broad outlines you can see what that will look like, but you are free to be a part of the Divine intention or work counter to it. In the broader sense, that is what sin is — rebelling or working counter to God’s purpose. Both the Jewish and Christian faiths distinguish themselves in asserting that history is going somewhere. We are not just aimlessly interacting but in the end it will all just fade away. There is purpose in creation. Spirituality suggests that when our lives are in rhythm with the true direction of creation, our lives are filled with meaning. Our faith is geared towards understanding that intentional direction of creation and seeking to be part of the fulfillment of its purpose. This is what the Kingdom of God refers to.

OK, here is your exercise. In your own words, try to make nine statements that describe the end product of creation according to God’s intention. The reason I chose nine is that is how many beatitudes there are. You could choose ten to reflect the Ten Commandments. However, don’t try to mimic the Beatitudes or other parts of Scripture. Try to describe that reality in contemporary terms. What are the values and behaviors that would best reflect the Kingdom of God. With that sketch of the future in mind, reflect on your own behavior and how you want to live.

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